Performance Series National Championship 5 Motoprix Region 2 stop in
Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Jogjakarta 30-31. Injection technology war between team
began bergeliat seems. Some series and already can show injection motor can be
driven at a permanent circuit and permanent circuits. Now it was time to test
the guts of the fuel pengkabut objects on the track super broken. Some are
ready to fight, there are ready to lose, no later alone. Heru Kate who brought
Jupiter injection for Alhdila of Yamaha Yamalube Eka Dharma Putra Anugrah
Wonogiri has brought the motor but not so lowered. Friday would be for search
setting turns the circuit has not been so. "Ya do not want to take the
risk. Data settings have not got. Motor also not in love oil coller, "Heru
open. Well yesterday in Blitar podium to Mr. dhe? "LHA in kejurda jatim
yesterday only 10 laps. This Championship 25 laps, the bike has not been
strong. "He added. Scared yet can not escape QTT setting. Team Honda
Kawahara prepare 2 engine. "I was in the 125cc class brought two engines.
Because the track circuit Maguwoharjo different than before, "said Boy
Arby. The team riders. Another case ART Jogja Honda team. You could say this
research team dare lose. All the motors of his 125cc Honda Blade tetep
disposable injection. Undaunted by the circuit broken.
Wawan Hermawan ,
inevitably have to injection .
Wawan Hermawan "
Would not want ya to be injection . We need the data AFR also with any model
circuit , if not in the try when the advance mas . "Said Henry. True and
can thumbs up thinking. Should be tried on because the motors future full
injection .
Author : Hafid | Photo
: Hafid
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