"Do Crazy Crazy If Not Ready"

Monday, 1 June 2015

Erwin Ridwansyah Back Clean Sweep Racing Kejurda IMI Jabar 2015

Erwin Ridwansyah under pressure from Aris Anandi 

OtomotifZone.com - Tasikmalaya . Success dominated the first round of regional competition IMI Motor Speedway 2015 in Kuningan in West Java . Drivers from Tasikmalaya , Erwin Ridwansyah the defending team Berdikari Jaya RAT YDM ODR SBR 153 back mop- class MP3 and MP4 in the second series Kejurda Jabar IMI Motor Speedway in 2015 which took place at the Circuit Hill Peusar Tasikmalaya ( 31/5 ) yesterday .

Start of the first grid in MP3 and MP4 , Erwin successfully complete the 18 rounds on a circuit that has a 1300 meter long . Of course success is not easily achieved . As in MP3 , Erwin had to fight with Aris Anandi of team Abadi Motor Sindang Wonx.Com KATC Sea . 

Erwin Ridwansyah , Berdikari Jaya RAT YDM ODR SBR 153 

"The start of the race gap quite far away , but a few laps there are obstacles ahead . Leaking gasket clutch tub make the rear tires into sleding because oil from the bath clutch . So the gap closer to Aris Anandi , "said Erwin from Tasikmalaya .

Lucky until the checkered flag was unfurled , Erwin managed to maintain its position of Aris pressure Anandi . While in class MP4 , Erwin died immediately shot leading rivals race to the finish line . " This victory is a motivation for me , crew and team to become the overall champion in the regional competition this year , " Erwin cap in 2014 and reached the runner up .

Author: Indra Gunawan | Photo : Indra Gunawan 

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