Matic Jabar is still a god helper mat - Tasikmalaya . Ganjing broke obscurity
implementation Indoprix Indonesia mat makes all the drivers and teams who have
signed a contract confused and troubled , while all teams have prepared
everything to mature and up to now unclear when it will take place the mat .
Anggi Permana down in the series 1
For those riders who have entered the mat Jabar IP feel
disadvantaged by the rules Pengprov IMI Jabar , where IP driver should follow
the Regional Championship Motorcycle Racing held Pengprov IMI Jabar , tesebut
been acted Anggi Permana when dropped and competing in the Series 1 Brass
April, winning gold PON XVIII Riau down Kemp 1 and MP 2 .
HarisTommy of kapota Motorsport
We already enforce that rule before the IP takes place , so yes there is no
prohibition IP driver down dikejurda , anyways if you see this happening right
sorry for them , accomplishments instead of suspended animation ,"
explains Haris Tommy of kapota Motorsport Motorcycle Racing Kejurda event
organizers IMI Jabar series 2 which will take place on the circuit Peusar Bukit
Kota Tasikmalaya , Saturday and Sunday ( May 30 to 31 ) this week .
langkap conducted Pengprov Jabar IMI , may be followed by other pengprov .
Edi Batrawan | Photo : Edmol
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