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Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Regional Motoprix 1 Series 5 range Yarn Factory Medan

Tracks atmosphere Circuit Artificial Yarn Factory

OtomotifZone.com - Medan, Regional Motoprix National Championship event schedule 1seri Medan been released. Crane Club Indonesia (CCI) subscribed implementation Motoprix in North Sumatra National Championship event schedule is implemented (9-10 / 5) in the next range. It is enough to make the trajectory of North Sumatra artists surprised. Selection of the location of the circuit-made circuit Yarn Factory really make a range of actors - actors active subscriptions regional Motoprix 1 bit upset. Given that all of organizing events CCI Regional Motoprix 1 always provide qualified venue that can be said to be the location of the race track. But this time seems to have no attention to factors venue again. Such event - previous event location is used by CCI circuit quite well perceived by the participants. Call it "late" IMI Fishing Circuit and also the parking lot Lanud Soewondo Polonia is processed CCI favorite track locations.
Anyone certainly surprised to see on the verdict CCI chose Circuit Yarn Manufacturer to be the location of a place of execution Motoprix class event. Given North Sumatra is an area that has the highest number of team active participants in the event the Regional Motoprix 1 Sumatra and also the owner of the largest manufacturer team. It's actually become a reference for the CCI to give a positive thing and the best services for the development team - a team from North Sumatra.
Judging from the enthusiasm for the event in terms of two-wheeled racing is a city with a range of today's biggest enthusiasts in North Sumatra. Kejurda proven with every event held in the city recorded more than 150 starters are going down. And this is why the committee who often carry event kejurda often putting range as the location where the primary selection event. Recorded in this year range is already executing the event a third time for the event this week.
Yarn factory-made circuit has the same layout as the letter L. And this is the second time this location is used for two-wheel races. Previous artificial circuit Terminal Taman Madya range is frequently used locations. Hopefully CCI can deliver the best sense of the race in accordance with the quality of the event is being run.
This event will hold a 11 grade, including four classes namely class kejurnas MP1 (125 cc Seeded TU), MP2 (Seeded 110 cc TU), MP3 (125 cc Beginner TU) and MP4 class (110 cc Beginner TU). For class supporting race is, MP 5 (Std 110 cc Beginner Open), MP5 OMR Honda, Yamaha OMR MP5, MP6 (Std 110 cc Beginner Open), MP7 (Matic 130 cc Beginner Open), cub 4 stroke 125 cc novice local Std FU and 155 cc classes beginners. For information and registration of participants in the Star FM Jl. Sei Batangserangan No. 35 Medan.
With the direct support of Commander I / BB, hopefully this event will be more secure and conducive. And this event will compete for trophies Commander I / BB Major General Edy Rahmayadi.
$ Emoga what is targeted by the committee can be realized in the implementation of the event this week.
Author: Devid Panjaitan 

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