"Do Crazy Crazy If Not Ready"

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Motoprix Jogja Gak Obviously Forward Backward

Otomotifzone.com-Jogja. This is difficult if you feel the most pretentious right, has become the butt and a trending topic in the mass pembullyan medsos should be repeated with a confusing statement promoter, mechanics and drivers. PP IMI as gratus, back and forth not clear juntrungannya.
Info that has spread in social media about the certainty of the schedule Motoprix certainly held May 16 to 17 Ehh ... ..mata not had time to brake a break already widely schedule changes again and advanced dated May 9 to 10 Well, OZ afraid mistyped and info ultimately must ask directly at elder VSC Yogyakarta ya. Yesterday morning Otomotifzone directly contact the pack Najib M Saleh as promoters. "If there is no change of PP IMI this week held mas. The circuit Maguwoharjo, "Mr. najib morning.
The tongue is still not dry, the evening news has changed again. and got word from the Boss racer Pam-Pam Zyrof47 MRT Erfin Firmansyah !!!! retreat schedule. back again directly OZ context Mr. Najib back. "True mas, of PP IMI'm postponed due to the 10th of May there is the IRS in Sentul, sorry." Said Mr. Najib were flooded question some riders. He said the IRS is not an event kejurnas again. Kejurnas period canceled .
Mending Syahrini euy listen to the song .... back and forth pretty ... than clay bawdy bawdy national event schedule.
Increasingly unclear ......
Author: Hafid | Photo: Hafid 

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