Matic class has always been a lifesaver title
Santernya automatic class scapegoat blamed the decline of
the West Java achievement road race national arena has been more prominent,
whether casual chat at the edge of the track or while relaxing the meetings.
It has been no secret, western Java which has seabreg motor
racing event almost every week there is always still inferior to others in the
region pengprov 2 as a quiet central Java as well as DIY event that lose much
with Java, but the achievements of riders and their mechanics arena Motorprix
The three riders region pengprov always dominated by the nursery class MP 5 and
MP 6.
After 2 years ago Tamy Primary riding arena IP, did not seem
racer Jabar was fluttering, even diajang Motorprix region 2 Bukit Peusar
Tasikmalaya in West Java driver just sits in position 5 in MP 1 through Adly M
Taufi, Felix FD position 2 MP 5 and Willy Ahadasi The MP 6 other racers
populated central Java, Jatimg and DIY, while the driver Jabar as the host only
a loyal audience.
Matic race one alternative lonely duck racing
The results of the automatic decline was a hotbed of automotive
principals West Java, until there is automatic discourse in West Java should be
turned off, and it was not by the automotive actors themselves but coming from
the mouth of the originator of the automatic itself ,, a strange thing when
heard that understand the historical development of automatic racing in West
Java. Do not forget, you know ... .event road race in western Java class Matik
is a lifesaver class promoter for success, both benefit materially and mat,
automatic class justu be the largest contributor to the 70% the number of
starters in each event.
Proof mat is automatic as rescuers in a motor racing event
Kejurda IMI Jabar 2015 series 1 is held at the Brass Week yesterday, from a
total of 354 starters from 17 classes were opened, the motor class mothers
while the starter is populated 160 inhabited mandatory class 98 starters rose
due IMI Pengprov Jabar require supporting drivers who attend classes have to
follow one compulsory classes, Naah imagine it otherwise apply such rules is
believed to be deserted and automatic mat organizers tepok overdrawn beibeh
forehead ...
Pengprov steps taken were appropriate and did not
immediately sentenced automatic class, need to socialize in club events as well
as for breeding ducks class that refers to class kejurnas new seeds will
continue to arise in the future, Matik be an option because of the many classes
Jabar driver opened and certainly cheapness building automatic motor. proved to
be one of the potential candidates in class riders MP 5 and MP 6 from Falkirk
Rio Andrian already attracted join racing matic know ...'s all because of
factors other than achievement chase ... all because of money.
Its history is automatic once because of the booming motor
to market as well as around the complex and expensive and lonely duck racing,
you know ... so it mushroomed like this now backfired for Jabar, because
automatic in other Pengprov not as crazy as that is the land of Sunda.
Many factors influence the decline of achievement Jabar
national arena, of which there must be confirmation of the rules on
standardization Pengprov Lap number, especially when the lap allowance, many
organizers are the reason mepetnya time and the number of participants only
impose a number of laps between 4 to 5 laps in each class, can imaginable
drivers who got scraped lottery numbers are most bloated did not have a chance
to catch up, and also the effect of mechanical reliability Jabar is not
detected properly, because the results can not be used korekannya benchmark
when it comes down dievent greater lagi..Gaya and lifestyle far different from
Java driver, indiscipline physical exercise is also one of the factors
supporting the drivers jeblognya Jabar. Nahh is also the most important, field
dikepengurusan Pengprov Binpres there should also be maximized by all the
staff. Begin to pick up the ball not only received and read the report.
Are you ready promoter West Java ready losers .. ???? and
guaranteed to be deserted road race event ...... .berfikir intelligent cooler
than scapegoat.
Author: Edi Batrawan | photo: Edmol
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