North Maluku, Ternate precisely, it is a very beautiful
area. Small islands with natural riches contained therein. It also had been the
courage of BEAT Matic Club (BMC) to propose to host the National Jamboree BEAT
Republic Indonesia VI. Beat the Republic of Indonesia National Jamboree VI in
Waterboom, Ternate 14-15, March 2015.
Despite struggling to achieve a province famous for its
stone Bacan, a total of 300 riders BEAT present at this annual event. Istiyani
Susriyati, GM Honda Customer Care Center said on Jamnas BEAT Republic of
Indonesia, the BEAT Bikers can strengthen and develop a sense of brotherhood
among owners Beat.
"Marimoi Ngone Futuru. Let Torang Unite, "added
Adi Heriyadi BMC chairman who is also chairman of the executive committee
activities. One proof of brotherhood that happens is eating patita. Ate
together at the table with typical dishes of Ternate, Sago plate, Gohu Fish,
Kasbi or boiled cassava. Very delicious!
Sense of brotherhood is perceived by Mustafa Vinsa of Honda
Beat Community Pandaan , East Java . National Jamboree participants BEAT Republic
Indonesia VI lined up as one of the furthest reveal itself take two weeks to
arrive at the location . " The unpredictable the voyage schedule . I twice
to cross . First of Surabaya to Makassar . Keep going up the cruise again in
Bitung , North Sulawesi towards Ternate . Total road more than 2,700 miles .
Because in Sulawesi was playful to Kendari , Southeast Sulawesi , " he
said .
According Vinsa , generally skubek he used towards Ternate
no problem . " Constraints on the exhaust passes through the broken due to
knee -high mud . It was on the border between East Sulawesi towards Central
Sulawesi . The rest we do not have anything , " he explained .
Jamnas event was also used to organize social activities
such as the delivery of stationery and Koran and clean beach Sulamadaha .
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